Characterization of the pathogenicity of a Bacillus cer.. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
Heat wave mitigation of ecosystems in mountain areas - .. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
Quantitative multi-hazard risk assessment to buildings .. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
Mechanisms of non-coding RNA-modulated alternative spli.. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
Lycium Barbarum polysaccharide protects HaCaT cells fro.. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
Analysis of the high-speed jet in a liquid-ring pump ej.. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
Influences of a debris flow disaster chain on buildings.. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
Silicified cupulate seed-bearing structures from the Ea.. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
Anti-Ramsey Numbers of Cycles of Length Three in Unifor.. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
Data-driven rapid prediction model for aerodynamic forc.. | [期刊论文,2022-12] |
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1 | General relationship between strength and hard.. | [金属研究所] | 12302 | |
2 | Effects of heavy metals on plants and resistan.. | [水生生物研究所] | 9177 | |
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4 | 仿鳗鱼机器人运动控制方法与高效率步态研究 | [沈阳自动化研究所] | 5994 | |
5 | Heavy metals in plants and phytoremediation - .. | [水生生物研究所] | 5218 | |
6 | A high throughput Nile red method for quantita.. | [水生生物研究所] | 4985 | |
7 | Direct reduction of graphene oxide films into .. | [金属研究所] | 4093 | |
8 | 月球虹湾局部影像图公布—嫦娥二号工程成功 | [力学研究所] | 4075 | |
9 | Advanced Materials for Energy Storage | [金属研究所] | 3786 |
1. Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 Ge.. | [高能物理研究所] | [WOS:5204] | |
2. Observation of a new particle in the search fo.. | [高能物理研究所] | [WOS:5134] | |
3. Large Area, Few-Layer Graphene Films on Arbitr.. | [上海技术物理研究所] | [WOS:3781] | |
4. Transfer of Large-Area Graphene Films for High.. | [上海技术物理研究所] | [WOS:1994] | |
5. A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sat.. | [理论物理研究所] | [WOS:1991] | |
6. Graphene-Like Two-Dimensional Materials | [上海技术物理研究所] | [WOS:1989] | |
7. The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC | [高能物理研究所] | [WOS:1827] | |
8. First results from KamLAND: Evidence for react.. | [高能物理研究所] | [WOS:1708] | |
9. Simultaneous Enhancement of Open-Circuit Volta.. | [苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所] | [WOS:1661] |