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Signalling mechanism(s) of epithelial–mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cells in tumour therapeutic resistance 期刊论文
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2018, 卷号: 483, 页码: 156-163
作者:  Cai, Zhihong;  Cao, Yijing;  Luo, Yichen;  Hu, Haobin;  Ling, Hui*
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/27
Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT)  Cancer stem cells (CSCs)  Signalling pathway  Chemotherapy resistance  EMT  epithelial-mesenchymal transition  CSCs  cancer stem cells  TGF-β  transforming growth factor-beta  Hh  Hedgehog  STAT  signal transducer and activator of transcription  MMPs  matrix metalloproteinases  CRPC  castration-resistant prostate cancer  Shh  Sonic Hedgehog  TGF-β  Transforming growth factor-beta  CSC  cancer stem-like cell  NF-κB  nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells  BCSCs  breast cancer stem cells  CAC  colitis-associated cancer  HOTAIR  HOX transcript antisense RNA  CSE  cigarette smoke extract  OSCs  ovarian cancer stem cells  ESCs  embryonic stem cells  TFs  transcription factors  MET  mesenchymal-epithelial translocations  
H2S improves renal fibrosis in STZ-induced diabetic rats by ameliorating TGF-beta 1 expression 期刊论文
Renal Failure, 2017, 卷号: 39, 期号: 1, 页码: 265-272
作者:  Li, Yan;  Li, Lin;  Zeng, Ou;  Liu, Jun Mao;  Yang, Jun*
收藏  |  浏览/下载:6/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/27
The apelin-APJ axis: A novel potential therapeutic target for organ fibrosis 期刊论文
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2016, 卷号: 456, 页码: 81-88
作者:  Huang, Shifang;  Chen, Linxi;  Lu, Liqun;  Li, Lanfang*
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/27
AT-1  angiotensin II type 1 receptor  VSMC  vascular smooth muscle cell  TGF-β1  transforming growth factor-β1  Ang-II  angiotensin II  ECM  extracellular matrix  CKD  chronic kidney disease  eNOS  endothelial nitric oxide synthase  UUO  unilateral ureteral obstruction  EMT  epithelial–mesenchymal transition  CAD  coronary artery disease  PAI-1  plasminogen activator inhibitor-1  SphK1  sphingosine kinase1  Post-MI  post-myocardial infarction  BMCs  bone marrow cells  HSCs  hepatic stellate cells  BA  biliary atresia  AII  angiotensin II  ET-1  endothelin-1  PDGFRβ  platelet-derived growth factor receptor β  ALC  alcoholic liver cirrhosis  HCV  hepatitis C virus  BA  biliary atresia  BPD  bronchopulmonary dysplasia  ARDS  acute respiratory distress syndrome  OA  oleic acid  PH  pulmonary hypertension  KLF2  Kruppel-like factor 2  Apelin–APJ  Renal fibrosis  Cardiac fibrosis  Liver fibrosis  Pulmonary fibrosis  
Autophagy: A double-edged sword in intervertebral disk degeneration 期刊论文
Clinica chimica acta, international journal of clinical chemistry, 2016, 卷号: 457, 页码: 27-35
作者:  Zhang, Shu-Jun;  Yang, Wei;  Wang, Cheng;  He, Wen-Si;  Deng, Hai-Yang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:15/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/27
IVD  intervertebral disk  NP  nucleus pulposus  AF  annulus fibrosus  CEPs  cartilaginous endplates  ECM  extracellular matrix  Col II  type II collagen  Col I  type I collagen  IDD  intervertebral disk degeneration  LBP  low back pain  miRNAs  microRNAs  ADAMTS  a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motif  MMP  matrix metalloproteinases  HSC70  heat shock cognate protein of 70 kDa  LAMP2A  lysosome-associated membrane protein type-2 A  Atg  autophagy-related genes  ULK  uncoordinated-51-like kinase  PI3KCIII  class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase  mTORC1  mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1  DFCP1  double FYVE-containing protein 1  3-MA  3-methyladenine  LC3  microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3  PE  phosphatidyl ethanolamine  LAMP-2  lysosomal membrane protein 2  TNF-α  tumor necrosis factor-α  IL-1β  interleukin-1β  NF-κB  nuclear factor-κB  JNK  c-Jun N-terminal kinase  SIRT1  silent mating type information regulator 2 homolog 1  TGF-β1  transforming growth factor-β1  ERK1/2  extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2  GRP78  glucose regulated protein 78  H2O2  hydrogen peroxide  Autophagy  IVD  IDD  NP  AF  
MMPs and ADAMTSs in intervertebral disc degeneration 期刊论文
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2015, 卷号: 448, 页码: 238-246
作者:  Wang, Wen-Jun*;  Yu, Xiao-Hua;  Wang, Cheng;  Yang, Wei;  He, Wen-Si
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/27
IVD  intervertebral disc  IDD  intervertebral disc degeneration  ECM  extracellular matrix  MMPs  matrix metalloproteinases  ADAMTSs  a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs  NP  nucleus pulposus  AF  annulus fibrosus  Col I  type I collagen  Col II  type II collagen  IL-1  interleukin-1  MAPK  mitogen-activated protein kinase  MRI  magnetic resonance imaging  TIMP  tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase  NGF  nerve growth factor  BMP  bone morphogenetic protein  TGF-β1  transforming growth factor-β1  SNPs  single nucleotide polymorphisms, miRNAs, microRNAs  LPS  lipopolysaccharide  TNF-α  tumor necrosis factor-α  NF-κB  nuclear factor κB  NO  nitric oxide  SDC4  syndecan-4  RSV  resveratrol  LfcinB  bovine lactoferricin  HO-1  heme oxygenase-1  MSCs  mesenchymal stem cells  IDD  MMPs  ADAMTSs  Col II  Aggrecan  
Interferon-γ in foam cell formation and progression of atherosclerosis 期刊论文
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2015, 卷号: 441, 页码: 33-43
作者:  Xiao-HuaYu;  JianZhang;  Xi-LongZheng;  Yun-HuaYang;  Chao-KeTang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/27
IFN-γ  interferon-γ  IFNGR  IFN-γ receptor  VSMC  vascular smooth muscle cell  IL  interleukin  LPS  lipopolysaccharide  TNF-α  tumor necrosis factor-α  STAT  signal transducer and activator of transcription  NF-κB  nuclear factor-κB  TLR  Toll-like receptor  Tyr  tyrosine  Ser  serine  PI3Ks  phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinases  miRNAs  microRNAs  TGF-β  transforming growth factor-β  Blimp-1  B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein-1  Bcl-6  B cell lymphoma-6  NOD2  nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2  JAK  Janus kinase  GAS  IFN-γ activation sequences  ERK  extracellular signal-regulated kinase  PKC  protein kinase C  SOCS  suppressor of cytokine signaling  IP-10  inducible protein-10  ox-LDL  oxidized low-density lipoprotein  SRs  scavenger receptors  ACAT1  Acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase 1  ABCA1  ATP-binding cassette transporter A1  apo E  apolipoprotein E  MMP  matrix metalloproteinase  IFN-γ  Foam cells  Atherosclerosis  Myocardial infarction  Stroke  
Effects of hydrogen sulfide on myocardial fibrosis in diabetic rats: Changes in matrix metalloproteinases parameters 期刊论文
Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2015, 卷号: 26, 页码: S2033-S2039
作者:  Xiao, Ting;  Zeng, Ou;  Luo, Jian;  Wu, Zhixiong;  Li, Fang
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/27
MicroRNAs: New players in intervertebral disc degeneration 期刊论文
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2015, 卷号: 450, 页码: 333-341
作者:  Wang, Cheng;  Wang, Wen-Jun;  Yan, Yi-Guo;  Xiang, Yong-Xiao;  Zhang, Jian
收藏  |  浏览/下载:22/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/27
IVD  intervertebral disc  NP  nucleus pulposus  AF  annulus fibrosus  CEPs  cartilaginous endplates  IDD  intervertebral disc degeneration  ECM  extracellular matrix  miRNAs  microRNAs  RNA pol  RNA polymerase  DGCR8  DiGeorge syndrome critical gene 8  Exp 5  exportin 5  TRBP  transactivating response RNA-binding protein  RISC  RNA-induced silencing complex  Ago  Argonaute  PI3K  phosphoinositide 3-kinase  MAPK  mitogen-activated protein kinase  TGF-β  transforming growth factor-β  PDGF  platelet-derived growth factor  IGF  insulin-like growth factor  EGF  epidermal growth factor  CDKI1B  cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B  TNF-α  tumor necrosis factor-α  FADD  Fas-associated death domain-containing protein  Col II  type II collagen  Col I  type I collagen  MMPs  matrix metalloproteinases  ADAMTSs  a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs  Col I  type I collagen  Col II  type II collagen  FGF2  fibroblast growth factor 2  FGFR  fibroblast growth factor receptor  IL-1β  interleukin-1β  NGF  nerve growth factor  HOXD10  homeobox D10  MiRNAs  IDD  NP cells  Apoptosis  Cell proliferation  
Interferon-γ in foam cell formation and progression of atherosclerosis 期刊论文
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2015, 卷号: 441, 页码: 33-43
作者:  Yu, Xiao-Hua;  Zhang, Jian;  Zheng, Xi-Long;  Yang, Yun-Hua*;  Tang, Chao-Ke
收藏  |  浏览/下载:7/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/27
IFN-γ  interferon-γ  IFNGR  IFN-γ receptor  VSMC  vascular smooth muscle cell  IL  interleukin  LPS  lipopolysaccharide  TNF-α  tumor necrosis factor-α  STAT  signal transducer and activator of transcription  NF-κB  nuclear factor-κB  TLR  Toll-like receptor  Tyr  tyrosine  Ser  serine  PI3Ks  phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinases  miRNAs  microRNAs  TGF-β  transforming growth factor-β  Blimp-1  B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein-1  Bcl-6  B cell lymphoma-6  NOD2  nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 2  JAK  Janus kinase  GAS  IFN-γ activation sequences  ERK  extracellular signal-regulated kinase  PKC  protein kinase C  SOCS  suppressor of cytokine signaling  IP-10  inducible protein-10  ox-LDL  oxidized low-density lipoprotein  SRs  scavenger receptors  ACAT1  Acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase 1  ABCA1  ATP-binding cassette transporter A1  apo E  apolipoprotein E  MMP  matrix metalloproteinase  IFN-γ  Foam cells  Atherosclerosis  Myocardial infarction  Stroke  

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