CORC  > 昆明动物研究所  > 昆明动物研究所  > 基因起源组
关键词山羊 绢丝昆虫 基因组 转录组
其他题名Goat complete genome sequencing and comparative trascriptome analysis between follicles of fine wool and carpet wool
中文摘要在过去的三十年,基因组测序技术的发展推动了整个生命科学领域的革命。第一个基因组序列绘制完成,使探讨生命的分子机理、揭示遗传变异的本质、发现细胞调控的机理成为可能。随着越来越多的基因组信息的公布,为比较基因组学和生物信息学提供了丰富的数据和素材,对于基因组本身的剖析、刻画和比较,又极大的推动功能生物学的研究。特别是随着新一代测序技术的应用,使得高通量、低成本、高速度和大规模的基因组研究成为生命科学领域最活跃和最诱人的研究方向。新一代测序技术也使的转录组、DNA甲基化组、组蛋白修饰等研究可以高通量化,使得传统方法无从下手的非模式生物研究成为可能。 山羊(Capra hircus)属哺乳纲,偶蹄目,牛科,羊亚科,山羊属,是重要的家畜。山羊在新石器时代就发挥重要的作用,为人类提供羊肉、羊毛、羊绒、羊皮、羊奶、羊骨和燃料,也作为祭祀祭品对人类文明产生重要的影响。山羊于10000年前在地安纳托利亚高原东部中驯化,其祖先至少为两个野山羊类群,即镰刀状角鞴羊(Capra aegagrus)、螺旋状角鞴羊(Capra falconeri)。山羊驯化后迅速在全球范围内扩散,由于其体积小于牛,易于运输,食性广,饲养成本低,可以获得多种产品,对于人类社会意义重大。据统计,目前全球范围内山羊品种为550多个,其中中国品种150余种。山羊丰富的遗传资源为其育种提供了广阔的空间。随着近代生物学和医学的发展,山羊在疾病研究、基因工程和组织工程中的作用日益凸显。山羊的研究一直受限于没有基因组信息。我们以云南的著名云岭黑山羊为代表,采用新一代测序技术,结合optical map,使得最终的super- scaffold N50达到18M以上,再结合山羊有限的连锁marker和与牛的染色体共线性,我们将93%的super- scaffold都按顺序组装为对应的染色体,所有测序量合计覆盖了山羊基因组92%的序列的,绘制了山羊基因组的完整图谱。采用多达10个组织的转录组信息,对山羊基因组进行深度注释,注释了山羊的大约22,175个蛋白编码基因。基于基因组数据比较了我国另一种重要的产绒山羊毛——内蒙绒山羊的毛囊和绒囊的转录组差异,检测出16500个和15100个基因的表达,获得了羊毛和羊绒毛囊差异表达基因2000多个。这一系列研究,有望使山羊成为一种小型反刍动物的模式物种,为山羊的育种、高效改良和广泛应用奠定基础。
英文摘要In the past thirty years, genome sequencing technology has promoted the revolution in each area of life science. As the first complete genome sequence publishd, genomics has become an essential tool for studying the molecular mechanism in life evolution, revealing the nature of genetic variation and detecting that the mechanism of cell regulation. Now, the next-generation sequencing technologies are revolutionising genomics and more and more genomes are sequenced, which provides unprecedented opportunities to conduct comparative genomics and bioinformatics study. With the powerful tool, the barrier between model organism and non-model organism is also eliminating. The domestic goat (Capra hircus) is an important livestock species in China, India and other developing countries. Because it provides a good source of meat, milk, fiber, and skin, it is popularly known as the ‗‗poor man‘s cow‘‘. Goats have fulfilled agricultural, economic, cultural, and even religious roles from very early times in human civilization. Goat is also used as human disease model for biomedical research and galactophore reactor for protein medicine production. Many pieces of evidence indicate that the goat was one of the animals to be first domesticated form at least two wild Capra (Capra aegagrus and Capra falconeri ) around 10,000 years ago at the dawn of the Neolithic period in the Fertile Crescent and spread quickly with human migration and trade. Since then, over 500 goat breeds have been established, representing an important world heritage and a scientific resource for understanding the genetics of complex traits.Goat also became the most adaptable and geographically widespread livestock species, ranging from the high altitude of the Himalayas to the deserts of Rajasthan and humid coastal areas of India. However, despite the agricultural and biological importance of goat, lack of a reference genome has greatly hindered understanding the genetic basis of these important features. The recent development of next-generation sequencing technologies has significantly improved sequencing throughput at a markedly reduced time and cost. We have therefore sequenced and assembled the genome of the domestic goat by combining the next-generation sequencing with fosmid library pair-end sequencing and optical mapping, which is a new technique to get markers for large DNA fragment or even chromosome assembly. We generated the final super-scaffold with N50 over 18M, and 93% sequence was anchored to chromosome. To annotate this well-assembled goat genome, we generated transcriptome data for more than 10 tissues, including follicles of fine wool and carpet wool, which could help us to understand the developmental difference of fine and carpet wool . In total, we annotated 22,175 protein coding genes and detected more than 16000 genes expressed in follicles of fine wool and carpet wool, and over 2000 genes had different expression level between follicles of fine wool and carpet wool. Besides, this dissertation also sequenced and compared transcriptomes of silk glands for 6 silk insect species. Silk is a natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be woven into textiles. The best-known type of silk is obtained from the cocoons of the larvae of mulberry silkworm which was domesticated and utilized as early as 5000 years ago in China.. Silks can also be produced by several other insects with novel characters which may be better than mulberry silkworm silk, but little is known about these silkmoths.Using the next-generation sequencing technology, we sequenced and de novo assembled the silkgland transcriptomes of Antheraea yamama, Antheraea pernyi, Antheraea assama, Samia Cynthia, Rhodinia newara and Actias selene Hubner. Comparation among the six transcriptomes shed light onto the difference of silk bio-synthesis among different silkmoths.
GB/T 7714
董扬. 山羊全基因组测序及羊绒、羊毛毛囊转录组比较研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院. 2011.
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