关键词线粒体疾病 线粒体DNA 端粒 p53 肿瘤发生
其他题名Molecular Genetic Study of Leigh Syndrome and Two Types of Tumor
中文摘要人类常见病,包括肿瘤、心脑血管病、代谢性疾病、神经疾病、呼吸疾病等绝大多数都是复杂疾病。它们与单基因疾病不同,都不是单一基因、单一因素所决定的,而是多基因的、多因素的,是环境与遗传因素相互作用的结果。它们完全不符合孟德尔定律,而是一个复杂的生物学问题,是21世纪生物医学最大的挑战。本论文以线粒体疾病及肿瘤分别为研究对象,探讨其遗传机制,为进一步阐明这些复杂疾病的发病机制提供线索。 论文的第一部分主要开展了Leigh综合征(LS)与线粒体DNA相关性研究。在对人类线粒体疾病有一定的了解和认识的基础上(第一章),我们对典型性线粒体疾病——Leigh综合征进行了分子遗传学研究(第二章)。Leigh综合征是典型的线粒体疾病,与mtDNA紧密相关。我们首先选择前人所报道的17个线粒体基因的致病性点突变在198例中国LS患者中进行了检测。我们共在8例患者中发现了线粒体DNA(mtDNA)突变,其中A3243G 2例、T10191C 3例、G13513A 2例和G14459A 1例。在正常对照组中未发现此4种突变,从而在我们的样品中进一步确认了这些点突变与LS相关。mtDNA突变在病人群体发病因素中所占的比例为4%,显著少于文献报道的比例。究其原因,可能是由于遗传背景的差异以及在我们的病人群体中存在新的mtDNA致病性突变。总的研究结果表明,中国Leigh综合征病人群体的mtDNA突变确实具有自己的特点。同时为了初步了解线粒体遗传背景与该病的关系,我们利用病例对照的研究方法,对其进行了高变区的测序及单倍型类群的划分,统计单倍型类群频率并与1597个中国无关正常个体的单倍型类群频率进行比较及统计学分析。统计结果发现了两个可能的易感性类群:B5和Y。它们共同的遗传背景N-10398G可能是这两个类群易感性的根本原因。N-10398G可能增加LS的发病风险。 本文第二部分以食管癌与乳腺肿瘤为研究对象,对肿瘤发生的分子遗传机制进行了一个研究。由于线粒体在细胞的能量代谢、自由基产生等方面所处的重要地位,人们推测线粒体在肿瘤发生过程中可能起着重要的作用。为了研究食管癌与mtDNA的相关性,检测食管癌易感性人群,我们对263例来自汕头的食管癌病人以及187个相匹配的对照利用病例对照的方法进行了相关性研究(第三章)。我们的研究结果发现,在汕头人群中,单倍型类群N9a在病人中相对于正常对照有显著低的频率,提示其在食管癌发病过程中的保护作用。除线粒体外,端粒及p53在肿瘤发生过程中也起到了重要的作用。端粒损伤引起的染色体不稳定性及DNA损伤可激活应答机制,使p53表达增加,引起细胞的调亡,从而抑制了肿瘤发展;相反,如果p53通路失活,端粒功能异常细胞将不能进入衰老或调亡程序,存活率提高,从而增加了染色体末端融合和非整倍性发生的机率,促进肿瘤发生(第四章)。因此,p53通路在端粒损伤促进肿瘤发生过程中起到了关键性作用。现已有多个研究结果支持这一理论,但这些研究多集中在蛋白功能方面,基因序列改变与端粒长度关系的研究还未有人开展。因此,我们在第五章研究了TP53基因序列改变与端粒长度、肿瘤发生的关系。通过对126个乳腺肿瘤及68个食管癌病人的肿瘤组织及正常组织的TP53基因序列及端粒长度的测定与测量,我们发现p53体细胞突变个体的端粒长度无论在乳腺肿瘤还是食管癌中都显著短于野生型p53个体,且p53区域的杂合性丢失与其体细胞突变显著相关。这说明突变p53可影响端粒功能异常细胞进入衰老或调亡程序,允许细胞继续分裂及存活,使端粒损耗更加严重,从而增加染色体末端融合和非整倍性发生的机率,最终导致肿瘤发生。杂合性丢失可能是由端粒损耗及体细胞突变共同作用引起的染色体不稳定性的一个表现。p53的正常多态性位点可能组织、癌症类型特异性的对端粒损耗相关的细胞衰老凋亡有微弱的作用,但需要更大样品量及更多的癌症类型研究才能揭开它的面纱。p53通路除TP53以外,其他相关基因也起到了很重要的作用。第六章研究了p53通路相关基因MDM2的SNP309及CDKN1A的S31R多态性位点与端粒长度、肿瘤发生的关系。研究结果发现,在乳腺肿瘤中,MDM2的SNP309的基因型TT相对于GG>有显著较长的端粒长度,这提示我们MDM2的SNP309在乳腺肿瘤中与端粒长度有一定关系。rs180270(S31R)的基因型分布在良性及恶性乳腺肿瘤中有显著差异。基因型AA相对于AC&CC显著增加乳腺肿瘤恶化风险。
英文摘要Most of the common human diseases, including tumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, metabolic disease, nervous disease and respiratory disease, are complex diseases. They are not caused by one gene or one factor but polygenes and multiple factors which is different form single-gene disorders. Complex diseases do not obey the standard Mendelian patterns of inheritance, and are a results of combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, most of which have not yet been identified. So it is very difficult to study them. In this thesis, we focus on the genetic mechanism of mitochondrial disorder and tumor, to further elucidate the pathogenesis of these complex diseases. In the first part of this thesis, we studied the relationship between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Leigh syndrome (LS). First, we summarized the mitochondrial diseases in Chapter 1.Then we studied the molecular genetic mechanisms of LS (Chapter 2). LS is a typical mitochondrial disorder and closely related with mtDNA. We scanned the reported 17 mtDNA mutations involved in LS in our 198 Chinese LS patients. There are 8 patients having mtDNA mutations, including 2 patients with A3243G, 3 patients with T10109C, 2 patients with G13513A and 1 patient with G14459A. We did not detect these four mutations in all of the controls, which confirms that these mutations are involved with LS in deed in our patients. The frequency of mtDNA mutations is 4% in our LS patients, which is less than other reports. This difference may be caused by the different genetic background of study populations. There may be novel mtDNA mutations in our patients. In conclusion, the mtDNA mutations have a special spectrum in Chinese LS patients. Although Leigh syndrome is a typical mitochondrial disorder, it is not clear whether matrilineal background has contributed to this disease. To address this issue, we extensively studied and compared the haplogroup composition of a sample of 171 Chinese LS patients with that of 1597 controls. Our results show that haplogroups Y and B5 may increase the risk of LS in Chinese. Both haplogroups belong to macro-haplogroup N and share a common reverse mutation on nucleotide position 10398. Their common ground, A10398G combined haplogroup N may be the root of effect and conferred a higher risk for LS. The second part of the thesis focused on the molecular genetic study of esophageal cancer and breast tumor, to further elucidate the mechanism of tumorigenesis.
GB/T 7714
郝晓丹. Leigh综合征及两种肿瘤的分子遗传学研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学. 2012.
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